Event Rental Reservation & Cancellations Policy


A non-refundable deposit and Drivers License identification are required on all rentals and reservations, unless there’s a pre-existing charge account. Reservations should be placed as early as possible. All rentals are reserved on a first come first serve basis.

 Reservations made require down in advance CANCELLATION POLICY (Canceling any individual item or entire


  •   Cancellations made will be charged of rental fee.
  •   Special items ordered on customer’s behalf will be charged. Ex: linens, napkins, and table runners
  •   Cancellations made on Inflatables and Yard Games (due to rain or wind) will be charged of rental fee. The customer has the option to reschedule within a year so they don’t loose the deposit.CHANGES TO ORDER
  •   REDUCTIONS to Reservations will incur Cancellation Fees listed above. Small reductions to quantities of items such as tables, chairs, dishware, etc are acceptable up to 3 weeks prior to reservation date.
  •   ADDITIONS to Reservations can be made (depending on availability) up to time equipment is loaded. Reservations being delivered are normally loaded 24 hours in advance of Rental Date Out. If additions are made after vehicle has left the lot an additional delivery fee will be charged (if Customer comes to get the equipment – we will pickup the new equipment when we pickup what was Delivered for no additional fee).